Week 11 & 12: March 11 - March 24, 2019
Books Read : 1
Books Read : 1
- Fail Fail Again Fail Better by Pema Chodron - Great advice on perhaps one of the most dreaded topic or feeling which is "failure". Through her personal experiences, the author dispels all the myths related to/ attached to failure and suggests an provides an unconventional wisdom of embracing failure. The wonderful insights by the author bring forth the greatest revelation that we could get and that is - Failure is one of the most recurring experience of our life and escaping or avoiding it is letting go of so many opportunities to grow and evolve in life. If we want to be a complete, holistic being then the only way is to embrace this unknown fear of failure and let the windows of possibilities open up in our life. The book is in a Q&A (Question and Answer) format and makes for a delightful reading, something that leaves the reader more connected with self and also more aware and prepared about the uncertainties of life. The message of the book is crystal clear ( right from the title) - never be afraid or scared to fail, embrace it and only then we can live our life fully and completely.
N.B. : The next post on the books round up will be posted in the last week of May , 2019 as a consolidated post for the preceding weeks !