Celebrate the Classics by Calee M. Lee
A short and easy read. I picked up the book because of the catchy title for a profound topic of "Classics". The approach of the book is quite interesting but don't set your expectations too high. You start reading it with certain set expectations (as i did ) but few pages into the book you will realise that the book may not fulfill the expectations that you had set. This is when you need to adjust yourself to the approach and style of the book. There are still lot of take aways from the book like the list of books mentioned category wise. I did discovered few gems for my reading list. I must mention about the section on "Book Club" which was quite interesting and useful. The tips provided are indeed practical. The icing on the cake was the comprehensive list of questions towards the end. They indeed are some real "food for thought" and could be of use for leading interesting and thoughtful discussion on any type of book.
I agree that the content of the book didn't do full justice to the title but the book had its own benefits. That's why it figures here in my review.
The book is freely available on amazon at http://amzn.to/2tHdA2b |
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